hair care

To achieve the greatest results, it is important that our customers understand proper hair extensions care. Below are instructions on how to care for the different textures. 

Wavy or Curly Textures

With all of our wavy and curly textures it is highly suggested that you shampoo and condition, thoroughly rinse and allow to hang dry from the weft before installing. We do not recommend using any curl care products or leave-in products on any of our wavy textures, this can cause product build up and cause damage to your extensions, tangling & matting. It is safe to use curl care products on our kinky curly hair only. A light oil such as biosilk or Morrocanoil is recommended for use on the ends. As with your natural hair the more heat use the looser the natural pattern will become, it is recommended to use little to no heat. Bleaching for coloring may alter the wave pattern if over processed and shorten the life of the hair. Always detangle from the ends toward the weft using a wide toothed comb only, Use a vent brush for brushing and detangling when dry. In order to revitalize the natural curl in between washing simply add a little conditioner to water in a spray bottle shake, and spray, scrunch as it drys and always allow to air dry for best results.


While removing your wig from your head and placing it on your head do not pull on the actual lace, this can cause stretching and holes in your lace closure, pull your wig on and off using the sides of your unit and not the actual lace. When washing your unit use sulfate free shampoo’s and avoid any leave-in conditioners. Always rinse thoroughly. Leave-in’s can cause build up on the hair and result in tangling and matting. Avoid scrubbing the hair together, wash the hair in a downward direction. If your cap requires extensive cleaning, soak your wig in a basin with warm water and shampoo. When using styling tools be sure to keep temperatures at 460 degrees or less to avoid damaging the hair by excessive heat use.

For Best Results

Protect your extensions while you sleep using a bonnet or scarf. In between uses, store your hair after washing and conditioning and allowing it to completely dry, in a dry container. Try not to use excessive heat on any of the textures, instead pin curl, rod set, braid, etc. 

Straight Textures

For our straight textures, you won't need to shampoo before install, however when you do shampoo and condition, be sure to detangle from your hair ends to the weft using a wide toothed comb. Also before flat ironing use either a heat protectant or light oil. When dry detangle using a vent brush. Refrain from using excessive heat.